Differences in Encryption Types

Two most common algorithms used today are RSA (an asymmetric encryption algorithm) and AES (a symmetric encryption algorithm)

Comparing RSA and AES, AES is by far more secure. RSAEP uses two prime numbers in a block cypher for the encryption and decryption process. The flaw in RSA is if one of the numbers can be decrypted using the random number probability theory, the other number can be as well. Making the random numbers too large degrades the encryption tool. However, RSA can be and usually is combined with other encryption types to make it more secure. AES is recommended by NIST and can support characters up to 256 bits in length. To put it simply, depending on the key length, AES encryption process goes through rounds of encryption divided into four operational blocks. These blocks are shifted to the next block to scramble the encryption within the encrypted encryption. So far, AES256 is unbreakable,